
Friday, March 9, 2012

Derby Award Ideas

Here are some fun ideas for Derby Awards:

Best Paint Job
Shiniest Paint Job
Best Use Of Color
Most Colorful
Fastest Car In The Pack
Fastest Car In The Den (Wolf, Bear, Webelos)
Most Original Design
Sportiest Looking
Best Workmanship
Best Use of Imagination
Most Aerodynamic Car
Best Detail
Most Unusual Car
Most Humorous Car
Fastest Looking Car
Most Decals
Most Realistic Looking Car
Smoothest Finish
Strangest Shape
Most Futuristic
Most Patriotic
Best Wedge Shape
Best Driver In the Car
Best Vehicle Not A Car
Best Racer
Best Design
Most Unique
Judge's Favorite
Best of Show
Most Creative
Most Artistic
Most Creative Use of Material
Best use of the color blue
most box-like
best scout theme
cubbiest car
coolest car
original design
sleekest car
best Webelos
best Bear...ect
funniest car
most Aerodynamic
Most Amazing
Most Astonishing
Most Attractive
Most Awesome
Most Cheerful
Most Cosmic
Best Craftsmanship
Most Creative Design
Best Design
Best Detail
Most Distinct
Most Distinguished
Most Elaborate
Most Extraordinary
Most Extreme
Fanciest Car
Most Fascinating
Most Funky
Most Glossy
Most Grandiose
Most Imaginative
Most Impressive
Most Incredible
Most Ingenious
Most Innovative
Most Interesting
Most Intricate
Most Inventive
Most Magnificent
Most Majestic
Best of show
Most Outstanding
Most Phenomenal
Most Radical
Most Remarkable
Most Resourceful
Most Spirited
Most Stellar
Most Unique
Best Workmanship
Best Detail
Most Original
Most Animal Looking

Click here to find more ideas for Pinewood Derbies...
For more Space Derby ideas, click here


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